Jessé Bateman is a Cajun/Créole composer based in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Jessé Bateman est un compositeur louisianais basé à La Nouvelle-Orléans, en Louisiane.

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Jessé Bateman (1997—) is a multifaceted professional musician, composer, arranger and educator based in New Orleans, Louisiana. Having Louisiana French heritage, Jessé is fluent in Cajun/Créole folk music, and is dedicated to the authenticity and sustainability of Louisiana music. Jessé is an accomplished vocalist, oboist, flautist, and pianist devoted to bringing Louisiana music to the orchestral stage; reimaging it through a 21st century, Neo-Romantic lens.

Jessé Bateman (1997—) est un musicien, compositeur, arrangeur, et enseignant professionnel aux multiples facettes. Basé à La Nouvelle-Orléans et trouvant ses racines en Louisiane, Jessé est un fin connaisseur de la musique folklorique cajun/créole et s’assure, à travers son travail, d’en perpétuer la tradition et l’authenticité. Chanteur, hautboïste, flûtiste et pianiste accompli, Jessé s’appuie sur son travail pour positionner la musique louisianaise sur le devant de la scène musicale et se plaît à la réimaginer sous une perspective néo-romantique, ancrée dans le XXIe siècle.

“A composer must fully absorb the musical idiom of the folk to form their musical mother tongue.”

— Béla Bartók

  • Split into two movements, 910 Royal draws inspiration from a difficult period in my life. Construction on the bricks of 910 Royal Street caused me to be displaced for several weeks during a period when I was in graduate school, working a second job, and applying for PhD/DMA programs. However, the dust eventually settled, and I was stronger for it

  • L'Echappée which translates to “The Breakaway” was a piece written for Tulane University. The harmonies of the SACHER hexachord serve as the foundation for this composition, and are altered, transformed, and transposed several times throughout.

  • A musical puzzle using the notes of the piano as the alphabet. Listen to this interpretation of the word Cajun.

    Un puzzle musical utilisant les notes du piano comme alphabet. Écoutez cette interprétation du mot Cajun.

Listen - Écoutez

“My goal with this piece was to experiment with writing dramatic, heart-felt music while simultaneously trying to break free of traditional chord progressions and their sonal qualities.”



If you enjoyed what you heard and are interested in hearing or playing my art, let’s collaborate! Available for commissions on small/large ensemble music, film music, folk music, performances, and more. Please contact me directly for inquiries, commissions, pricing, performance rights and scores. Let’s make some new music!

Si vous avez aimé ce que vous avez entendu et si vous souhaitez entendre ou jouer mon art, collaborons ! Je suis disponible pour tout type de performance, qu’il s’agisse de musique de chambre ou de grands ensembles, de musique de film ou encore de musique folklorique. Merci de me contacter directement pour toute demande, portant aussi bien sur mes tarifs que sur mes partitions ou encore les droits d’exécution de ma musique. Ensemble, créons de la nouvelle musique !

Merci - Thank you !

- Jessé J. Bateman

Email - E-mail
